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2013-10-13 01:04

模型Ⅰ 针对问题,在不考虑工程对技术人员总人数的要求时,分别建立高级工程师、助理工程师,技术员可获最大利润的模型,进而运用Lingo软件进行求解.
模型Ⅱ 根据公司现有人力资源的限制,以及各工程项目对技术员水平及人员数量的约束,并考虑各级技术人员的工资和人员管理费,建立了公司可获最大纯利润的最优化综合模型。
模型Ⅲ 根据公司技术人员数量和工程项目不多的特点,可采用快速的算法。依据各级工程师在4项工程中获纯利润的不同,有次序地安排人员,从而建立了快速法模型。
This paper establishes excellent pattern of human resource’s program. In order to arrange different kinds of technical personnel in company to increase company’s total profits, this paper establish the pattern, which based on professional personnel’s quantity request and the principle of that all levels technical personnel can make a biggest profit. This paper calculate biggest profit and formulate personnel’s arranging plan. This paper gives the fast algorithm. After the discussion and analysis, evaluate and improve this pattern.
Pattern Ⅰ: In view of the problem, taking no account of the request of technical personnel’s total number, and establishing the pattern, in which senior engineer, assistant engineer and technician can get biggest profits. And then use the Lingo software to evaluation. (科教作文网http://zw.nseAc.com)
Pattern Ⅱ: According to the restriction of the current human resource in company, restrain of technician’s level and personnel’s quantity, and wages and management expenses of different level of technicians, this paper establish excellent synthesis pattern that company can get biggest profits.
Pattern Ⅲ According to the characteristic of which, there is little company technical personnel and subjects, we can adopt the fast algorithm. According to differences that different engineers have different net profit in 4 projects, arranging the personnel sequence and establishing the fast method pattern.
This paper starts from changes of various technical personnel’s quantity and the technical personnels gross demand, has a reasonable and accurate analysis to the pattern’s sensitivity.
Keywords:human resource; programming; Lingo; sensitivity analysis; report.
1 前言





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