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2013-11-24 01:41
导读:数学论文毕业论文,关于古典概型的几点思考论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 关于


摘要  本文关于古典概型主要做了3点思考:1 3种古典概型问题的样本空间的选取技巧;2 运用古典概型的等可能性,构建样本空间的技巧;3 如何避免或减少古典概型计算中常见错误的出现,并且分别举例说明。
关键词  古典概型; 样本空间;概率。

Some Ideas on the Classical Probability Model

Abstract  In this paper we have mainly done three ideas on the classical probability model.Namely,1.the choosing technique of the sample space of three kinds of the classical probability model;2.the technique to construct sample space with the equally likely property of the classical probability model;3.how to avoid or decrease the arising of common errors in the calculation of the classical probability model.Furthermore we have illustrated them respectively.

Key words  the classical probability model; the sample space; probability.

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