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2013-11-27 01:01
导读:数学论文毕业论文,奥迪A6型汽车故障数据的分析和处理论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 摘要


关键词:反馈的延时  数据拟合  残差分析  维修数据表


In modern society, the quality of products is the lifeblood of enterprises, and it is the same truth with automobile manufacturing, so manufacturers attach great importance to how to grasp of the quality of a motor vehicle’s parts and components timely. The manufacturers of motor vehicle parts get the accurate identification data of maintenance vehicle only many years after the identification of the vehicles. The manufacturers can not make guiding improvement on products now that they can not control the quality of the products timely. The thesis can compensate, to some extent, the delay of feedback to policymakers on the maintenance data of the automotive components and it can provide the top manufacturers with timely information about the quality of products, thereby promoting the quality of products and enhancing the quality of after-sale service. The thesis studies from the maintenance data tables of Audi -A6 cars in a repair site within a certain period of time, and it forecasts the potential breakdown of one thousand cars in the future through the maintenance data sheet of existing parts. This thesis focuses on analyzing the horizontal and vertical resolution of the main data reasonably, data fitting, residual analysis and the projections of the potential breakdown of one thousand cars in the future and it also illustrates the main batch production cars (namely, the production month), sold time, maintenance time, maintenance parts, causes and extent of damage, repair costs, etc in the maintenance of data tables. The managers can master comprehensively the quality of all the components through such data, and they can attain different information to achieve different management purposes if they collate the data scientifically from different perspectives of demand. Through data analysis and projections, we can gradually establish the total life of such components, and provide better guidance for manufacturers to improve the quality, at the same time, prepare parts depots for some parts in advance, in case the shortage of parts in emergency situations causes the declining of credibility, and more importantly, a loss of the users.


Key words: the delay of feedback  data fitting   residual analysis   maintenance data table

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