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2013-11-29 01:45
导读:数学论文毕业论文,车间调度问题的遗传算法实现论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 摘

摘   要



The Job-Shop Scheduling Problem  belongs to the complete problem of NP. At present, the results of the theories research in the scheduling problem are mainly focus on the scheduling problem which was based on the minimum time to finish the work. And the representative is the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem. Genetic Algorithm is a search meathod which can automatically adapt to the global optimization. Currently, a number of researches make use of the Genetic Algorithm to solve the Job- Shop Scheduling Problem.
   The thesis has researched the application of the Genetic Algorithm in the Flow-Shop Scheduling Problem both on the practice and theories. They have designed an improvement Genetic Algorithm on the basis of the usual Genetic Algorithm in order to carry out the Flow-Shop Scheduling Problem. And also they have validated the validity of this calculate through the real examples of data.
Keywords: The Job-Shop Scheduling ;Genetic Algorithm ;The Flow-Shop Scheduling;Improvement the Genetic Algorithm.

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