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2013-12-11 01:16
导读:数学论文毕业论文,单位住房管理系统论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 摘

摘 要
本系统是针对当前广大事业单位住房管理问题而开发的。系统用Visual Basic开发完成,由4大模块组成,分别是信息管理模块、信息查询模块、系统管理模块和帮助模块。信息管理模块:分成职工管理、住房管理、部门管理、楼房管理员管理4个子模块,此模块主要实现单位职工信息、住房信息等系统数据的各种操作。信息查询模块:信息分为所有的住房信息、所有职工信息,主要实现单位住房管理信息系统数据的查询。系统管理模块:分为修改密码、添加新的系统管理员、登录到普通用户功界面3个子模块,主要实现管理员的密码修改和用户添加。帮助模块:在系统运行过程中会遇到的问题的反馈方式。本单位住房信息管理系统界面直观、操作简单,能满足事业单位住房管理的基本要求,如有需要也可以根据不同单位的需求进1步开发完善。
关键词:信息管理系统;数据库;Visual Basic


The system is the general view of the current management of the housing units developed。Systems with Visual Basic to complete development, From the four modules:They are information management module, Information Query module, System Management module and help module。Information Management module: four-management module of workers management、housing management、departmental management, building manage。This module main units of workers information, housing information and other data of various operational。 Information query modules: Information into all of the houses, all of the information workers, main realization unit housing management information system datainquiry。System Management module:change password, add a new system administrator , log into the normal user interface three main functional blocks,The administrator can changes password and add new users。Help module:In the process of system operation problems to be encountered by the feedback。The housing unit Information Management System interface intuitive and simple operation, housing units to meet the basic requirements for the management, If necessary can be based on different units of the further development of improved demand。


Keywords:MIS;Database;Visual Basic

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