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2013-12-15 01:14
导读:数学论文毕业论文,高级加密标准JAVA实现与应用---用AES加密聊天内容样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘

摘       要

关键字: 高级加密标准;公钥密码体制;网络聊天 

With the continual network application development on the network office, work, shopping, friends, the demand is increasing. And the initial development of the Internet in order to share resources. It for the protection of privacy on the capacity is very weak. And these duties will be to blame for network application development programmers of the hands. More and more programmers use a highly effective and secure method of encryption of important information protection. Focus on the design of network contents of the encrypted chat design, through the use of its Advanced Encryption Standard encryption. using public-key cryptosystem the RSA public-key cryptosystem Advanced Encryption Standard methods of transmission and key. The design JAVA to language development. achieve its data encryption process is efficient, safe, cross-platform features. This software development is carried out in windowsXP, the functions are : aes encryption and decryption modules, users on the line, off-line, lost, set their own icon, nicknames, off-line replies to chat content such as encrypted transmission. Using AES data encryption, RSA encryption AES key ways in which some chat software security is greatly improved, It is safe, easy-to-use features.


Keywords: Advanced Encryption Stantard;public-key cryptography;Chat on line

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