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2013-12-14 01:02
导读:数学论文毕业论文,小型自动排课系统论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 摘

摘  要

关键词:自动排课; 数据库; 课程表; JAVA

In this paper,an algorithm for arranging schedule on the campus is tentatively proposed after consulting these popular software of the same type in the market,and it has been tried to developed .The problem of arranging schedule is largely to solve the proper and effective usage of various teaching resources,such as classrooms,teachers and so on,to avoid the conflict on the time or the place of the schedule,and to make the time produced on the average.In the design of the algorithm,different priorities are assigned to the operation of the arranging schedule,make it complished priority by priority,and thus bring down the probability of the conflict of the time arranging effectively,increase the probability of the successive arranging. Moreover, in order to make sure the teaching resources won’t be used too intensively,and realize the average usage,the system designs the arranging levels for the teacher and the classroom.
The proposal of the algorithm is just an attempt,so there are lots of defects,which are to be improved in future.

Keywords: Automatic Course Scheduling;  Database;  Curriculum;  JAVA

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