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2014-01-13 01:52
导读:数学论文毕业论文,有线电视用户管理系统论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 有线

摘 要


Cable Subscriber Management System
This system is develops specially for the Xiangtan County wired television station. Using the computer management information processing rapid, accurate, reliable also has the formidable memory property prominent characteristic, raises the cable TV charge management level and the working efficiency comprehensively, is television stations management decision-making prompt transformation provides certain support.
The paper from the system analysis, the demand analysis, the outline analysis, the multianalysis to the system implementation, the system movement, the system maintenance and so on several aspects elaborated in detail the user management system management system performance history, recorded in the performance history analysis to rest on and to design the mentality and the correlation graph, had expounded the main design content and the implementation, the movement situation, for this system use, the promotion have provided the complete material. (科教作文网http://zw.nseAc.com)
The television station user management system management system has covered four main subsystems: The user management system management system, information inquiry system, the expense urges to stir up, the system administration unifies organically them, enhanced the work rate of accuracy and the efficiency.

Key word: Cable TV ;User Management;Toll System

    上一篇:关于电磁波的相位不变性和多普勒效应的讨论 下一篇:音像销售管理系统