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2014-01-27 01:18
导读:数学论文毕业论文,设备管理系统怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 设备


该系统主要有设备管理、设备查询、报表管理、用户管理、系统管理4大功能。可以让管理人员很轻松地了解到当前每件设备的当前情况。譬如设备当前在哪个部门之下、什么时候借出去的、有谁借出去的等信息,而且非常方便就可以打印报表。对与陈旧的设备的处理本系统也给出了相关的功能。对于性能和速度的要求本系统前台采用了Visual Basic作为开发工具,后台的数据库则用了Microsoft Access。为了提高速度采用了ADO技术链接数据库。对于本系统的管理,系统设置了权限。分数据管理员、普通用户、系统管理员。在验证期身份是,主要通过ADO 空间中记录对象结合if语句来判断身份。本系统有安装便捷,占用内存少等特点,此外该系统在功能商还有很大的扩展性,各个企业可以根据自身需求,进1步开发完善。

关键字: Visual Basic;   Microsoft Access;   数据库;  ADO技术

Equipment Management System
Information and Computing Science Department Kuang Xin  Instructor Lu Wenying
The system is mainly directed at the current enterprise equipment due to poor management caused the loss of equipment designed an equipment management system EC. The system mainly equipment management, equipment inquiries, the statement management, user management, system management functions of four. Managers can easily understand the current pieces of equipment for each of the current situation. For example, the current equipment in the department, when the take away, who take away the information, very convenient and can print statements. With obsolete equipment handling of the system is also given of the relevant function. For performance and speed requirements of the system of the future using Visual Basic as a development tool, background database used by Microsoft Access. In order to improve the speed of using ADO database link. For the management of the system, the system set up competence. - Data manager, ordinary users, the system administrator. Identity of the certification period, mainly through the ADO object space with records to determine if statements status. The system is easy to install and take up less memory and other features, in addition to the functions of the system to have a great expansion, various enterprises according to their needs, the further development of sound.


Keywords : Visual Basic; Microsoft Access ; database; ADO technology (转载自中国科教评价网http://www.nseac.com

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