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2014-02-03 01:34
导读:数学论文毕业论文,基于ASP.NET的计算机安全检测系统在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例: 基于

摘 要

This system mainly aims at the personal computer security examination. Using the C/S overhead construction to realize fast communication, between multi- customers end with the server as the center. This system is composed by 8 pages : The home page, the user registration page, the system analysis page, the loophole scan page, the user setting scanning page, the patch downloading page, in detail searches the page, about the page.
The registered users can use all functions of this security examinations. The system can used to scan the computer information, and judge whether the usersOS.And used to carry on the analysis to the users computer security loophole, and provide the users reasonable patch procedure. Give the users reasonable fix programs.
And scan the  setting of the computer, and provide user reasonable suggestion. Also lists all the patch procedure which the system provides. Detail searching provides  to the user OS, the advice, the bug level mistiness searching.

Key words: Security  examination; C/S overhead construction; Server; Customer end


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