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2014-02-25 01:18
导读:数学论文毕业论文,混合态二能级运动原子双光子过程中原子的压缩怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 混合


摘要:本文采用量子光学中时间演化算符方法和数值计算研究了相干光场与混合态2能级运动原子相互作用过程中原子的压缩效应。讨论了原子初始时刻的混合程度、场模结构参数p、系统耦合常数 以及光场的平均光子数 对原子压缩效应的影响,揭示了它们之间的变化关系,结果表明:原子初始时刻的混合程度对原子的压缩有非常大的影响,越靠近纯态(基态或者激发态)越能得到较好的压缩效应;场模结构参数p对原子的压缩时间有重要影响;系统的耦合常数 的增大使得崩塌和回复的频率增大,也就是说在相等时间内使得出现压缩效应的次数增多;光场的平均光子数 不能低于1定数值,否则不能出现原子的压缩效应。


Atomic  Squeezing Effects in a Two-photon Process With Two-level Moving Atomic Mixed-state

Abstract:In this paper,the atomic squeezing effects in the two-photon process with  two-level moving atomic mixed-state are studied by means of the time-evolution operator method and numerical calculation.The result show that the initial moment of the atomic mixing of atomic compression has great impact Vietnam close to the ground state or excited state is able get a better compression effect,and P atomic parameters of the compression effect is affected,and the increase makes collapses,and to shorten response cycle,which  means the same time makes squeezing the increasing time,and not mean photon number in the end of a certain value,or can not have atomic squeezing.

Keywords:mixed-state;two-photon;atomic squeezing;initial level population probability


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