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2014-03-13 01:09
导读:数学论文毕业论文,几种波导中电磁波传播的一般讨论论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 几种


A Discussion On The Transmission Of Electromagnetic Waves In Some Waveguides
Abstract:  Electromagnetic waves transmit in space inside waveguide , and the metal wall as the boundary condition of the existence of electromagnetic fields restrict the form of electromagnetic waves. Based on the basic equations of electromagnetic waves transmit in waveguide, then focus on three different geometric border waveguide (rectangular, deltaic, cylindrical) for discussion ,the basic equations of electromagnetic waves in rectangular waveguide , deltaic waveguide and cylindrical waveguide are got. Three waveguides can all transmit TE waves and TM waves, but can not transmit TEM waves . The modes of electromagnetic wave and threshold frequency related to three waveguides are also discussed.
Keywords:  waveguide ; modes of electromagnetic wave ; boundary condition ; threshold frequency

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