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2014-03-19 01:34
导读:数学论文毕业论文,对多层涂型介质的电磁波传输特性分析在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例: 对多


摘要:变化着的电场和磁场相互激发,形成空间中传播的电磁波。本文根据电磁波的传播特性,研究在涂型层状介质中传播规律。同时从经典麦克斯韦电磁场理论出发,推导出复相对介电系数 和复相对导磁率 的表达式;引入法向阻抗的概念,探讨了涂型层状介质的反射和透射情况;利用计算机辅助设计,计算了在5-12GHz内涂层介质第1,第2级反射系数;提出寻找介质层匹配的可行性方案;结合实际情况,讨论两种实例,并对结果进行了分析。                                                                                                                   

The Study The Electromagnetical Characterrlstics of Multilayer Medium

Abstract: With the motivation mutual of changing electric and magnetic fields, the electromagnetic wave which propagates in the space forms. Based on the Propagation Characteristics of electromagnetic wave, the propagation law is studied in the Precoat layered media in the article. Based on the classical electromagnetic theory of Maxwell, the expression of the relative dielectric constant  and relative magnetic permeability  is deduced also; Reflection and transmission of the Precoat layered media are discussed by introducing the concept of normal impedance; The first-level and second-lever reflection coefficient in the 5-12GHz Precoat layered media are calculated by the design of computer aided; The feasibility of the scheme; Here we will present the best program to realize the match of the different layers; According to actual condition, two examples are discussed, and the results are analyzed . (科教论文网 lw.nseaC.Com编辑发布)
Key words: plane wave ;media;dielectricproperty;optimization;impedence matching


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