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2014-04-24 01:14
导读:数学论文毕业论文,关于假设检验的几点注记论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 关于


关键词:假设检验; 原假设; 备择假设; 第1类错误; 第2类错误

Some Notes on Hypothesis Testing 

In this article we have made a survey of the basic concept and principle and thoughts of hypothesis testing , on which made some notes .We have mainly discussed  the different selection of the original hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis which affected the result of hypothesis testing , and put forward a general principle how to select correctly the original hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis. Besides, we have studied deeply error of two kinds which appeared frequently in the hypothesis testing  (error of the first kind and error of the second kind), including the relations to error of two kinds and its effect to the result of hypothesis testing and the effective control of error of two kinds so as to be satisfying and etc.
Key words: Hypothesis testing ; Original hypothesis; Alternative hypothesis; Error of the first kind ; Error of the second kind

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