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2013-05-15 21:30
导读:信息安全论文毕业论文,液位控制系统设计-信息安全毕业论文怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考:液位控制系统设计摘要: 本文详细叙述了一种液位

摘要: 本文详细叙述了一种液位控制系统试验装置的设计与研制。该试验装置设置有水槽以及相应的检测和执行机构,通过适当组合,可以提供各种液位试验对象。针对 该试验装置,采用单片机编程技术设计开发了液位控制系统的软件平台。不同对象模型的各种控制算法以独立的函数形式存在,方便模型和算法的更改及扩展。在该试验装置和软件平台的基础上,实现了液位模型的数字PID控制,该系统还大量的使用了PLC控制器,从而使系统的稳定性和安全性大大提高。同时对各种经典和现代控制方法进行了比较分析。论文中为设计和实现的多级液位控制试验装置以及相应软件为探索和验证各种先进的控制方法提供了一个良好平台。
关键字:液位控制 ;PID控制 ;PLC控制 The Design of Liquid-level Control System
Abstract: This thesis describes the development of experimented equipment, which has tri-stage tank, sensors, and actuators-Multi-stage Liquid-level Control System. The advantage of this equipment is that a variety of single-stage and multi-stage liquid-level control objects can be offered nimbly by adequate constructions. For this experimented equipment, the programming technology has been used to develop the system software platform. Different control algorithms are substantive functions and convenient for modification and expansion. Based on the experimented equipment and system software platform, we have carried out the digital PID control of the liquid-level model. And we use a lot of PLC controllers in this system. So the stability and security of the system are improved rapidly. We have compared and analyzed many kinds of classical and modern control systems. In addition, these control method shave been compared and analyzed. For researching multiple advanced control algorithms, this experimented equipment and system software have offered an excellent platform.


Keywords:Liquid-level control;PID control;PLC control

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