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2013-05-21 01:16
导读:信息安全论文毕业论文,异步电动机智能综合保护器-信息安全毕业论文样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本:异步电动机智能综合保护器摘 要:本论文主要介绍异

摘 要:本论文主要介绍异步电动机的各种保护原理。通过对异步电动机基本工作状态的陈述说明它的保护方向。有效的电动机保护方法与设备,既能对电动机可能出现的各种故障实施可靠的保护。又能充分发挥电动机的过载能力,是减小生产过程中的经济损失,提高经济效益必需解决的问题之一。
关键词:保护器;过载;空载;自整定。 Intelligence asynchronous motor protection devices integrated circuit
Abstract: Present paper main introduction asynchronous motor each kind of protection principle. Through explaining its protection direction to the asynchronous motor basic active status statement. Effective electric motor protection method and equipment, Can’t only implementate to each kind of breakdown reliable protection which possibly appears to the electric motor. But also can fully display the electric motor the overload capacity, Which reduces the economic loss in the production process, Enhance one of economic efficiency essential solution questions.
The intelligence asynchronous motor synthesis protector using the P87LPC76XOTP monolithic realized the intellectualized design, the electric current examination is simple, the parameter installation was convenient, movement stable reliable, had the over-load protection, idling energy conservation many kinds of functions, also with main circuit connection simple convenient.
Keywords: protector, overload, idling, self regulating

    上一篇:变频电动机的研究-信息安全毕业论文 下一篇:组态软件在过程控制中的应用-信息安全毕业论文