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【摘要】 论文针对浙江省海岸带数据库建设中存在的多源数据组织规范和异构空间数据转换两大问题,以Arc/Info for Windows NT作为平台软件,采用Oracle数据库,和ArcSDE空间数据引擎,设计并完成了浙江省海岸带数据库系统。为浙江省建国以来完成的“全国海洋综合普查”和“全国海岸带和海涂资源综合调查”及国家正在实施的新一轮海洋专项调查的成果数据的入库奠定了基础。浙江省海岸带基础数据库的建设实现了浙江省海岸带基础数据的采集及其在统一数据仓库中的集成,并具有对资源环境要素查询、检索、更新、分类和叠加处理等功能,具备与遥感图像叠加、套合和综合处理的功能。将在浙江省海岸带的近海海洋综合调查、近海海洋综合评价、“数字海洋”信息基础框架构建等工作中发挥重大的作用,并对浙江省海洋资源开发和海岸带管理决策具有重要意义。数据库包括海岸带主要基础系列图件、重要基础数据及专项解译成果等数据。数据处理从层、幅和字段两个不同的层面定义了数据的组织模式,一定程度上实现了数据的无损转换与无损入库,有效地维护了各图幅的矢量和栅格数据的完整性和一致性。通过使用Arc/Info为客户端,实现了系统接口对数据库中数据的方便存取,进而支持高层次工具和应用模型的开发及使用户在使用应用系统时能充分发挥计算机的交互性。
【Abstract】 Organization criterion of multi-source data and heterogeneous spatial data conversion are two important aspects in database construction of coastal zone of Zhejiang province. Using Arc/Info for WinNT platform , Oracle and ArcSDE, design and construct coastal zone database system of ZheJiang province which has resolved this two problems. The construction of database system will provide the foundation of data loader of new data which will be acquired in the new turn of offshore investigation.Construction of costal zone database of Zhejiang province realize data collection and data integration about Zhejiang's costal zone. It not only provide the function of query, search, update and classify feature of resource and environment, but also dealing with remote sensing image. The database construction is useful to Zhejiang offshore integrated investigation, evaluation and construction of "digital ocean".Costal zone database includes several data of coastal zone such as basic map, important base data and interpretative results. Data processing define organization model of data. It can realize heterogeneous spatial data conversion with little loss and maintain integrality and consistency of vector and raster data. And it also can realize reading and writing data in database conveniently. For the farther step, it can support high-level tools and development of application model by using Arc/Info as client and it also make users to get more interaction when they manipulate the application system.
【关键词】 ArcSDE; 海岸带; 数据库; 组织规范; 异构空间数据