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2013-06-27 01:18
导读:地理论文毕业论文,河北省金丝小枣主产区土壤地球化学背景研究怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 【中文摘要】 金丝小枣是河北省的名优特色果品之一,而沧州

【中文摘要】 金丝小枣是河北省的名优特色果品之一,而沧州金丝小枣具有悠久的栽培历史,产区遍及沧州地区的沧县、献县、泊头、交河、盐山、河间等县(市)。其中,沧县已被誉为中国的“金丝小枣之乡”。沧州金丝小枣又名河西红枣,因干枣剥开时有金黄丝相连,入口甜如蜜,外形如珠似玑,故称金丝小枣。沧州金丝小枣因其香甜的味道和较高的营养价值而畅销于国内外,成为沧州地区的主导产业和优势产业。本文选取金丝小枣种植面积较大的沧县、献县和泊头作为研究区,在研究区已有研究成果的基础上,利用生态地质背景资料和地球化学背景资料,对金丝小枣区土壤质量进行了地球化学评价,对金丝小枣区的金丝小枣进行了安全性评估,并对营养元素在土壤中的迁移分布特征进行了重点研究。旨在为优质无公害金丝小枣种植基地的建设提供科学依据,以期达到优化农业产业结构、合理利用土地资源的目的。通过系统研究获得如下主要成果:1、运用主观和客观相结合的方法确定综合品质评价中指标的权重更能切实的反映出金丝小枣品质的现状。2、通过对金丝小枣品质指标和土壤元素全量之间的多元逐步线性回归分析,并结合金丝小枣较优质区和相对劣质区土壤元素含量的对比,最终得出影响金丝小枣品质的元素组合.为Fe、Cu、U、Mn、Co、Cl、Na。且金丝小枣品质与土壤全量Fe、Cu、U、Mn、Co呈正相关,与土壤全量Cl和Na呈负相关。3、通过对研究区表层土壤靶标元素分布特征的分析,可以看出研究区土壤表层元素含量明显受地形地貌的影响,尤其是Cl和Na元素,越接近滨海地区其含量越高。4、通过对研究区土壤环境地球化学条件进行评价,得出研究区八种土壤重金属中,土壤砷元素的单因素污染指数最高,对土壤重金属综合质量评价结果的贡献率最大。总体来看,研究区西部小块区域即泊头西北和献县西南部的边界区域存在轻度重金属污染。研究区浅层地下水存在部分氟化物和碘化物高值区。5、结合金丝小枣品质相关元素和土壤环境条件将研究区划分为金丝小枣优质区、金丝小枣适宜区、金丝小枣次适宜区和金丝小枣不适宜区。

【英文摘要】 Zizyphus jujube cv. Jinsi-xiaozao is one of the famous high-quality fruit products in Hebei Province. Cangzhou Zizyphus jujube cv. Jinsi-xiaozao has a long cultivated history and producted over Cangzhou City such as Cang county、Xian county、Botou city、Jiaohe county、Yanshan county、Hejian county,etc. Cangzhou Zizyphus jujube cv. Jinsi-xiaozao also known as Hexi red Jujube because when skinning the dry Jujube, it will present the golden colour, and also has pearl looks and sweet tastes. Cangzhou Zizyphus jujube cv. Jinsi-xiaozao is salability at home and abroad for its good taste and high nutritions, which becoming the Cangzhou main and superiority industry.This article selects Cang county、Xian county and Botou city as the study area which have a large growning area. Using ecological-geology and geochemistry background materials based on previous reasearch results, takes out a geochemistry evaluation of the soil quality, The safety of Zizyphus jujube cv. Jinsi-xiaozao is tested, and especi.ally studied the character of nutrient element’s migration and distribution in soil. This study aims to provides scientific basis for the construction of high-quality Zizyphus jujube cv. Jinsi-xiaozao Planting base, so that the structure of agricultural industry can be optimized and the land resources can be used in a more reasonable way. Over all, the main results of the research are as follows:1、It is more practical to reflect the quality status of Zizyphus jujube cv. Jinsi-xiaozao through taking the objective and subjective measure together to definiting indexes weight of comprehensive quality.2、Through Multiple Regression between Zizyphus jujube cv. Jinsi-xiaozao quality indexes and soil elements contents. Combined with soil elements contents between high quality domain and poor quality domain, gets a series elements which impacting Zizyphus jujube cv. Jinsi-xiaozao quality:Fe、Cu、U、Mn、Co、Cl、Na. Further more,there is a positive correlation between quality of Zizyphus jujube cv. Jinsi-xiaozao and Fe、Cu、U、 Mn、Co,while the others has a negative correlation.3、Through analysing the distribution character of target elements on surface soil in the study area, it is obviously that the elements are impacted by topography and geomorphology,especially Cl and Na which are higher when it is close to the coastal areas.4、Through evaluation of the soil environmental Geochemistry conditions of the study area, it gets the result that Arsenic, which is one kind of the eight heavy metals in soil,has the highest pollution index with single factor,which also has the biggest contribution rate to the valuation result on comprehensive quality of heavy metals in Soil . In a word, there is only a small piece of place in western Study areas, the boundary region of Botou city North western and Xian county south western has mild heavy metal pollutions. It also finds that there are some fluorides and iodides high-value region in the shallow ground water.5、Based on Zizyphus jujube cv. Jinsi-xiaozao quality elements and soil environmental conditions, it divides the study areas as Zizyphus jujube cv. Jinsi-xiaozao high-quality areas, suitable areas, inferiority suitable area and unsuitable area. 

【中文关键词】 金丝小枣; 农业地质; 地球化学; 生态地质

上一篇:主流空间数据库引擎技术分析和优化方法研究 下一篇:康保县土地利用与土壤侵蚀关系研究