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摘 要:1787年美国宪法是世界上第1部近代意义上的成文宪法。宪法确立的加强中央政府职能、建立民主共和体制、树立为民服务意识和鼓励科学技术发明等基本原则至今仍有可取之处。它不仅对美国的政治和经济的发展有促进作用,而且对当今世界其他很多国家的民主与法制建设都有借鉴意义。
关键词:美国 1787年宪法 成功之处
【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1728–2462(2008)02 -0024-02
Generally Speaking Constitution of the
Zhao Yuping
Abstract:1787 Constitution of the United States was the world's first modern sense of a written constitution. Established by the constitution to strengthen the central government functions, the establishment of a democratic republic system, building up a sense of serving the people and encourage scientific and technological inventions, such as the basic principles are still merits. It is not only the United States the political and economic role of promoting the development, but also to many other countries in today's world of democracy and legal construction can learn..
Keywords:The United States;1787 Constitution;Something of success ;
依据1777年大陆会议通过的《邦联条例》,美国13个独立州建立了向统1民族国家过渡的邦联政府。但是《邦联条例》并没有把美国真正统1起来。条例规定“各州保留其主权、自由和独立” <1>,中央仅设立1个1院制国会,不设独立的行政机构和司法机构。在国会内设立1个“诸州委员会” <2>