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摘要: 本主要从建筑美学角度上分析光与建筑内部造型元素之间的关系。光在室内造型中起着独特的、其它要素所不可替代的作用。在一个建筑环境中,形、色或光可以作为一种“主题要素”来使用,某一方面的强调不等于单单这一方面因素就可以完成整个环境气氛的创造,它们一定是综合使用的,只是有主有辅罢了。
Abstract: This thesis mainly analyzes the relationship between light and building internal modelling from the aspect of architectural aesthetics. Light plays a unique and irreplaceable role indoors modelling. In an architectural environment, shape, color or light can serve as a kind of "thematic elements" to use. The emphasis on one is not said that only this aspect can finish the whole atmosphere, they must be integrated, and they just have the order like which is primary and whaich is secondary.
关键词: 光;空间造型;材料质感;建筑形态
Key words: light;spatial shaping;material texture;architectural form
0 引言
1 建筑中的光
(科教论文网 lw.nseaC.Com编辑发布)