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2018-02-22 02:23
导读:教育论文毕业论文,在任务型教学中运用评价课堂表现方法的研究样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本:Using Performance Assessment in Task-Based Language Teaching 在任务型教学中运用评价

Using Performance Assessment in Task-Based Language Teaching


Abstract: According to the basic theory of the Task-Based Language Teaching,this essay mainly discusses the method of Using Performance Assessment in Task-Based Language Teaching in English teaching classroom. Performance assessment tools include observation, portfolios, conferences, dialogue journals, multimedia projects, cartoons, long-term projects, the tools measure a student performance and learning. They can make the students be interesting in learning English. I write it down so that we can study it together.
Key Words: performance, assessment, Task-Based, Language, Teaching

摘要: 根据任务型教学的基本理论,本文主要探讨在任务型教学的英语课堂中评价学生的方法, 成绩评价这一工具包括观察,纸张,讨论,日常 对话,多媒体设计,卡通, 长期计划等,这些工具是衡量学生的成绩和学习。他们可以激起学生的学习英语的兴趣。写下本文以供大家参考。

Ⅰ. Introduction
Are you familiar with the following”
1. Is it true or false?
2. Is it answer a. b, c. d (or all of the above )?
3. Can you match the definition of the vocabulary word to the word listed beside?
Most teachers’ answers are positive for they are the questions we often see in our examination papers. We’d categorize these questions into the Traditional Assessment type, which is to assess a child’s direct recall of the information. In our English language teaching (ELT) assessment reform, we advocate Performance Assessment, which is to 1) meet the needs of children who learn in a variety of modalities; 2) assess a child’s ability to solve problems, process information, and work in real-world settings.
Ⅱ Working Definition for Performance Assessment
What distinguishes performance assessment from other types of assessments? According to Cooper (1997), performance assessments are tasks which require children to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in response to authentic activities. So in performance assessment, it appears to be that students must perform tasks, and the tasks should be as authentic as possible. Success or failure in the outcome of the tasks, because they are performances, must usually be rated by qualified teachers. The teachers observe the behavior of the students or examine the product that is reflective of that behavior, and apply clearly articulated performance criteria in order to make a judgment regarding the level of proficiency demonstrated by the students (Pierce

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