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Discovering Techniques of Vocabulary Teaching in Middle Scho(10)

2018-06-01 01:00
导读:a). Direct use of the native language: The question “Are you a Chinese?” means “ 你是一个中国人吗?”; “What time it is” means “现在几点?”. b) Indirect use of the native

a). Direct use of the native language: The question “Are you a Chinese?” means “ 你是一个中国人吗?”; “What time it is” means “现在几点?”.
b) Indirect use of the native language---gesture: A beckoning of hands means “repeat”. A hand cupped behind the ear means “listen”. Subsequently, when the teacher wants to tell students to listen, he or she will simply say, “listen” and, if necessary, accompanies the word with the gesture to reinforce the meaning of the command.
c) Indirect use of the native language---Symbols: The teacher can give the meaning of written symbols to teach the new words in the second language. Students readily remember the meanings assigned to simple drawings.

ship bus plane

morning afternoon evening
ix. By communication:
Teaching vocabulary by communication means teaching the new words through thinking with students about the things presented or happening in our daily lift, since real experience can deepen the impressions of things upon people, teaching by communication have a great advantage that the new words presented in the conversation immediately become an active word which students can exploit freely and proper; for example, look at the following conversation between a teacher and a student:
Teacher: do you enjoy yourself on the national day?
Student: yes

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