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Discovering Techniques of Vocabulary Teaching in Middle Scho(8)

2018-06-01 01:00
导读:He is lying on the bed. He is laying his coat on the bed. Another use of drawings is known as picture association which means drew pictures for the troublesome words and the students themselves provid

He is lying on the bed. He is laying his coat on the bed.
Another use of drawings is known as picture association which means drew pictures for the troublesome words and the students themselves providing the association:

iv. Teaching series and word sequences:
Some of the words taught in elementary language course occur naturally in sequences, such as numbers, names of months, days of the week. Students readily memorize the series, but they then have difficulty using the words out of sequence. The following techniques help students practice elements in a series:
a) Flash cards
The items or the abbreviations of the items (days of the week and months of the year) can be put on flash cards; for example, all the letters of the alphabet are put on cards. The teacher shuffles the cards to present the letters out of sequence for drill.
b) Clock face
Using a toy clock, or a face of a clock drown on the board, the teacher randomly points to the numbers 1 through 12 while the students say them aloud. The numbers 13 to 24 may also be added.
c) Chalkboard
The teacher writes the first letter or the abbreviation of each day of the week across the chalkboard. After teaching the new words, the teacher points to the letters on the board in random order, eliciting the days of the week from the students.
v. Using known vocabulary:
The teacher can use known vocabulary to teach the meanings of new words:
a) Synonyms and antonyms out of context:
①A synonym of fast is rapidly. What is the synonym of rapidly?
②The opposite of big is little. What is the opposite of little.
b) Synonyms and antonyms in sentence context:
Use the new word in sentences that contain an antonym or contrary expression:
①This meat is tough. I can only eat tender meat.
②Tom was lazy while his brother Jack was industrious. Jack worked all the time.
Use the new word in sentences that contain a synonym or equivalent expression:
①John was exhausted. His brother, too, was extremely tired. (科教论文网 lw.NsEac.com编辑整理)
②Mary, why are you talking so fast? The Chinese don’t understand you when you speak so quickly.
c) Categories: Names of categories can be taught verbally if the students know some names of items that belong within a particular category.
Teacher: Coffee is a beverage. Coca-cola is a beverage. Tea is a beverage. Give me some other examples of beverages.
Student: Milk is a beverage.
Teacher: Tennis is a sport. Baseball is a sport. What is another sport?
Student: Football is a sport.
d) Definitions and paraphrases: Definitions and paraphrases may be given in the target language. Target language dictionaries are useful to the teacher, especially those dictionaries prepared to help foreigners learn the second language.
①A singer is a person who sings.
②A girl who is “bad news” is not very pretty. She is ugly.
vi. Grouping:
Many textbooks present vocabulary items in random order. Some books have alphabetical lists of new words. In either case, new words may be further grouped to point out similarities and differences among them. Bright students do this automatically, but often the slower students experience difficulty precisely because they do not notice the obvious groupings.

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