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2017-05-07 01:07
Abstract: In Europe and America, the people already were accustomed to each kind of service which early provides the documentary center, what at present pays attention is the digitization information technology as well as the documentary center archives and so on new situation the new challenge which brings to the existing documentary center's management and the management pattern; But in our country, the documentary center had still not obtained the promotion and the popularization, the reason lies in many people to think that the documentary center many superiority are form in the overseas specific environment, because the Chinese and foreign national condition has the very big difference, worried south the documentary center in transplants in China's process will present north the orange zhi the result. The author believed that this kind of worry is not unnecessary, but before hesitating, cannot take, the key is must finish the documentary center “the localilzation” the work.
key word: Localilzation; Documentary center; Operation pattern 前言
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