2016-01-23 01:08
[摘 要] 互文性理论将文本看成是处于与别的本文不断相互作用的动态
[摘 要] 互文性理论将文本看成是处于与别的本文不断相互作用的动态过程之中。因此也就要求人们在进行文学鉴赏的过程中,要以开放性的眼光来审视文本。钱钟书的《宋诗选注》通过对原文本与其他文本所存在的种种互文关系的揭示,使我们更深刻认识到要深刻理解和分析一个文本,就要充分关注原文本与其他文本的互文关系,从而拓展我们文学鉴赏的视野和思路。 [关键词] 宋诗选注;重新解读;互文性 Abstract:Intertextuality theory regards text as in a dynamic process full of unceasing interaction with other ones. Therefore careful examination of the text with open judgment is necessary when the literature connoisseurship is carried out. [WTBX]Notes to Selected Poems in the Song Danasty [WTBZ] by QIAN Zhong-shu, through revealing the intertextuality relations between the original text and others, makes it more clear to us that to further profoundly understand and analyze a text, attention must be paid to the intertextuality relations between the original text and others, thus an enormous development can be achieved in literature connoisseurship field of vision and ideas. Key words: [WTBX]Notes to Selected Poems in the Song Danasty[WTBZ]; re-interpretation; intertextuality
1 互文性理论
1.1 广义的互文性和狭义的互文性
“互文性”( intertextuality)概念是由法国女权主义批评家朱利娅