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2014-03-05 01:00
导读:参考文献 [1] 张永良,刘培哲等. 水环境容量综合手册[m]. 北京: 清华大学 出版社,1991. [2] 司全印. 关于我省不同地区不同发展阶段经济与环境协调


[1] 张永良,刘培哲等. 水环境容量综合手册[m]. 北京:清华大学出版社,1991.
[2] 司全印. 关于我省不同地区不同发展阶段经济与环境协调发展的意见[r]. 西安:陕西省政协会议,1998.
[3] 傅国伟. 河流水质数学模型及其模拟计算[m]. 北京:中国环境科学出版社,1987.
[4] 陕西省环境质量报告书[r]. 西安:陕西省环境科学研究院,1996. 

the comparison of the environmental capacity calculation methods

abstract: this paper suggests three kinds of methods for dalculting water environmental cpacity in the case of one demensional ie. the section-endig control method in the functional section. through the comptation of the environmental capacity of the main stream of the wei river and the analytical coparison of the dvantages and disadvantages of each method and their interconnections, it also deals with the physical connotations as well as the adoptable conditions of each method. meanwhile, the calculated results are used to check and identify each method, indicating that all the methods are feasible reliable.
key words: environmental capacity; section-beginning control; section-end control;functionsection-end control

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