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【中文摘要】 在国家提出“十一五”期间应初步建立有利于促进电网健康发展的输配电电价机制的契机下,论文在综述相关文献、介绍国外实践经验和分析国内外输配电价监管机制优缺点的基础上,针对我国情况,提出了一种能有效激励电网公司提高生产运营效率的改进价格上限模型。该模型克服了基期价格难以确定的局限,将零售价格指数改良为输变电工程价格指数,真实反映了电网公司实际投入的价格变化;综合运用数据包络分析理论(DEA)和层次分析法(AHP),合理确定了效率因子X。而电网投资因子和供电质量指标的引入则进一步发挥了价格上限模型应有的激励作用。改进结果及最后的实例分析表,该模型可以用于监管成长期电网的输配电价,而且较传统模型相比,其可操作性更强,也更易为电网公司所接受。
【英文摘要】 In the case of initially setting up a power supply price(PSP) mechanism which can promote the healthy development of power grids in the "Eleventh Five-Year" of the country,this paper has summarized relevant materials &introduced foreign practical experiences and analyzed PSP regulation mechanism from both sea and abroad,then, according to the actual problem of China,An improved price-cap model for effectively stimulate each power supply company(PSC) to increase its operational efficiency is presented.The new model overcomes the difficulty of defining preliminary regulated price and it is able to reflect actual price fluctuation of each PSC's investment.With the use of Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) and Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP), efficiency factor X can be found.Then,both power-grid's investment and power quality factors are taken into account for further exercising the model's incentive effects. Compared to the traditional model,the improved result and its example analysis show a stronger availability for regulating developing grid's PSP.
【中文关键词】 输配电价; 价格上限监管; 数据包络分析; 层次分析法
(科教论文网 lw.nSeAc.com编辑发布)