2017-09-15 06:54
导读:理工论文论文,成铁工程文化活动楼预应力技术的设计研究论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考:[摘 要] 通过工程实例,系统阐述了无粘结预应力混凝土结构设计中的若干技术
[摘 要] 通过工程实例,系统阐述了无粘结预应力混凝土结构设计中的若干技术题目。结果表明这种设计经济公道、综合效果明显。可供类似工程设计参考。
[关键词] 结构设计;预应力混凝土;无粘结预应力
desgn and study 0f prestressed concrete technology
for chengdu railway construction culture
and entertanment building
shi jina—ping yu fu-zhen
(the survey and design institute of chengdu railway bureau,610081)
[abstract] to provide a design method for similar projects,a systematic exposition of some technological problems for unbonded prestressed concrete structure is made through a practical project design.the results show that this design is reasonable and remarkable in comprehensive economical benefit.
[key wordb] structural design;prestressed concrete;unbonded prestressing
1 工程概况