2014-05-12 01:13
导读:[1] 吕厚山.人工关节外 科学 [M].北京:科学出版社,1998.150. [2] 吕厚山.人工关节 外科学 [M].北京:科学出版社,1998.125. [3] Hartofilakidis G, St
[1] 吕厚山.人工关节外
[2] 吕厚山.人工关节
[3] Hartofilakidis G, Stamos K,Karachalios T.Congenital hip disease in adults,classification of acetabular deficiencies and operative treatment with acetabuloplasty combined with toal hip arthroplasty[J].J Bone Joint Sug(Am),1996,78:638-692.
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