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【关键词】城市大医院; 社区卫生服务站;双向转诊
【Abstract】Bidirectional Referral System is only one example of remitting Difficult and Expensive Medical Services. Its effective implementation and practice is beneficial to rationalization application of health resources. Bidirectional Referral System can combine basic medical service of community hospital and Comprehensive Medical service of in large hospitals, fully bring out function of community health service station and general hospital, make use of health resources efficiently, and coordinate development of hospital and community service station. The author provides solution and strategy which Bidirectional Referral work faces physical problem and some practices.
【Key words】city large hospital health service station of community Bidirectional Referral
1.1成立领导专班,提供组织保障:我院是一个地级市的三级甲等综合性医院, 现有开放床位2300张,承担着大十堰350 万人口和鄂、豫、川、陕毗邻地区的医疗保健任务。2006年,根据十堰市政府和卫生局的通知精神我院下发了《关于做好双向转诊试点工作的通知》等文件,并成立了以院党委书记为组长、分管业务的副院长和各大病区科主任为成员的领导小组。实行院领导分片负责、临床科室对口指导社区卫生服务站制度。要求各临床科室与对口社区卫生服务站建立长期业务指导关系,定期派出副高以上专业人员到对口社区卫生服务站做好技术指导工作。