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Comparative study on the quality between Lonicera fulvotomentosa in Guizhou and Lonicera hypoglauca in other main places of production in China
ZENG Zhen-xing,YANG Yu-qin,ZHANG Li-yan,et al.
Guiyang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Guiyang 550002,China
[Abstract] Objective Comparative research of Lonicera fulvotomentosa Hsu et S.C Cheng from Guizhou and different content of Lonicera hypoglauca Miq of producing area.Methods UV-spectrophotometric were used in the experiment.Results Lonicera fulvotomentosa Hsu et S.C Cheng from Guizhou and different content of Lonicera hypoglauca Miq of producing area total flavones content difference relatively significant.Conclusion The content of total yellow flavones of Lonicera fulvotomentosa Hsu et S.C Cheng in every producing area of Guizhou is higher than the Lonicera hypoglauca Miq of other producing regions.
[Key words] Lonicera fulvotomentosa;Lonicera hypoglauca;rutin;UV-spectrophotometric
黄褐毛忍冬为忍冬科植物黄褐毛忍冬(Lonicera fulvotomentosa Hsu et S.C Cheng)的干燥花蕾,贵州是主产区之一,资源丰富,被贵州省中药材、民族药材质量标准收载[1]。红腺忍冬为忍冬科植物红腺忍冬(Lonicera hypoglauca Miq)的干燥花蕾[2],主产于河南、山东、云南等地。所含有效成分为黄酮类化合物、绿原酸等。本实验采用紫外分光光度法,对贵州不同产地栽培黄褐毛忍冬及红腺忍冬的总黄酮含量进行对比分析,为贵州黄褐毛忍冬收入为药典品种提供理论依据[3,4]。本实验以忍冬科植物中总黄酮为指标,对贵州不同产地黄褐毛忍冬及红腺忍冬中总黄酮进行含量比较分析。为贵州黄褐毛忍冬收入为药典品种提供理论依据。
1 仪器、试剂及材料
1.1 仪器
1.2 试剂
1.3 样品
(科教论文网 Lw.nsEAc.com编辑整理)
2 实验部分
2.1 对照品溶液的制备
精密称取芦丁对照品7.68 mg,置50 ml容量瓶中,加60%乙醇溶液,并稀释至刻度,即得浓度为0.1536 mg/ml的对照品溶液。
2.2 供试品溶液制备
精密称取各样品粉末(过60目筛)约0.2 g,置于100 ml圆底烧瓶中,精密加入60%乙醇50 ml,称定重量,水浴加热回流提取1 h,放冷,称重,用60%乙醇补足重量,摇匀,滤过。滤液作为供试品溶液。
2.3 检测波长的选择
取对照品溶液1 ml置于10 ml容量瓶中,加入0.5%亚硝酸钠1.0 ml,10%硝酸铝1.0 ml,10%氢氧化钠1.0 ml,加入60%乙醇稀释至刻度,摇匀,放置15 min;于400~600 nm波长处扫描,结果表明,在494 nm波长处有最大吸收,故选择494 nm为测定波长。