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【关键词】 皮质类固醇
关健词: 皮质类固醇; 青光眼; 防治
Analyzing the Predisposing Factors of Cortex Steroids Glaucoma and the Prevent and cure
Abstract: Objective: To explore the predisposing factors and clinical characteristics in patients with cortex glaucoma and put forward the improvmen and curing. Method: The characteristics of using drugs and clinic of 34 cases with cortisol glaucoma were retrospectivly analyzed. Resuilt:All the 34 patients used the polypharmequtic dexamethasone in local body continuously,spented from six months to 5 years. Conclusion: The keys of prevention of cortisol glaucoma are to improve peoples attention to this disease, strengthen the selling management of the involved medicine, do a good job of the health education and avoid using the cortex steroids drugs for a long time.
Key words: Cortex steroids; Glaucoma; Preventing and Curing
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料:我院1998年1月至2005年10月眼科病房收治确诊为皮质类固醇性青光眼34例共66眼,其中男21例(40眼),女13例(26眼),单眼2例,双眼32例;年龄17~67岁,平均38.6岁。
1.2 方法:对确诊病例进行用药种类、用药方法、用药时间、视力、眼压、视野、眼底进行调查。
2 结果
2.1 用药情况:34例均为眼局部使用皮质类固醇,用药种类18例使用的确当眼药水(0.1%地塞米松),9例使用典必舒(0.1%地塞米松),7例使用氯霉素-新福林地塞米松复方制剂,用药时间6个月至5年,平均2.2年。
2.2 症状及体征:本组34例66眼均有不同程度视力下降,光感~0.1者6眼,0.2~0.5者23眼,0.6~1.0者37眼,前房角均为开角;眼压21~30mmHg者35眼,31~50mmHg者31眼;视野缺损48眼,视野无变化者18眼;眼底:C/D≤0.5者27眼≥0.6者39眼。
2.3 治疗效果:确诊后停用皮质类固醇眼药、保守治疗予降眼压药、局部滴药、口服或静脉降眼压处理,26例50眼眼压恢复正常,8例16眼,最终施行手术治疗。