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【关键词】 一贴灵贴剂
[摘要] 目的:观察一贴灵贴剂的抗炎镇痛疗效。方法:以阿司匹林为对照药物,将一贴灵贴剂用于治疗二甲苯所致的小鼠耳肿胀和角叉采胶所致的大鼠足趾肿胀,以及热和醋酸所致的小鼠疼痛,测量肿胀度、痛阈值及扭体次数。结果:一贴灵贴剂高、低剂量组及阿司匹林组耳肿胀抑制率分别为67.92%、52.52%、58.28%;足趾肿胀抑制率比较,大小顺序为高剂量组、阿司匹林组、低剂量组;随着剂量增加,一贴灵贴剂各剂量组小鼠痛阈值增大,扭体次数减少;一贴灵贴剂高、中剂量组小鼠的痛阈值与阿司匹林组接近。结论:一贴灵贴剂具较强的抗炎镇痛作用。
[关键词] 一贴灵贴剂; 抗炎; 镇痛
Experimental study on antiinflammatory and analgesic effects of Yitieling Paste
ABSTRACT Objective: To observe the antiinflammatory and analgesic effects of Yitieling Paste (YTLP). Methods: YTLP and aspirin (as a control drug) were introduced to treat the edematous ears of mice induced by xylene and swollen toes of mice induced by carrageenin, and to relieve the pain in mice induced by heat and acetic acid. The swelling degree, pain threshold and body distortions were measured. Results: The repression rates of the ear edema in groups of YTLP of high and low dosages and the aspirin group were 67.92%, 52.52% and 58.28%, respectively. The repression rate of the toe swelling in YTLP high dosage group was higher than that of the aspirin group, which was higher than that of the YTLP low dosage group. The results of analgesic effect of the three YTLPtreated groups showed that with the increase of dosage, the pain thresholds were higher and higher, and the body distortions were lower and lower. The pain thresholds of high and medium dosage YTLP groups were near to the aspirin group. Conclusion: YTLP possesses a strong antiinflammatory and analgesic effect.
KEY WORDS Yitieling Paster; antiinflammation; analgesia
1 材料与方法
1.1 动物 昆明种小鼠,雌雄按试验要求而定,4周龄,体质量18~22 g;SD大鼠,雌雄各半,6周龄,体质量(191.0±10.3)g。均由华中科技大学同济医学院实验动物中心提供。
1.2 药物与试剂 细辛、当归、川芎、莪术、桂枝等由武汉国药集团提供;一贴灵贴剂由中药细粉及提取物加入适量冰片、月桂氮卓酮(以下简称氮酮,购自湖北省恒康医药有限公司)和凡士林制成。1%角叉采胶由0.1 g角叉采胶加入10 ml生理盐水配成,于4 ℃冰箱中静置12 h,备用。放免药盒,北京北免东雅生物技术研究所生产(批号:20030525);阿司匹林肠溶片,江西赣江制药有限责任公司生产(批号:20020403);硫化钠,天津市东丽区东大化工厂生产(批号:200208022);脱毛剂由硫化钠12 g、洗衣粉1 g、淀粉7 g调成糊状而得。其他试剂为药用或分析纯。