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【关键词】 小儿烧伤;干燥疗法;湿润疗法
[摘要] 我院治疗烧伤一般以干燥暴露疗法为主,虽说治愈了不少小儿烧伤患者,但是深Ⅱ度创面愈合后大多有瘢痕形成,影响患儿发育,功能受到限制,故我院从2000年至2005年对小儿烧伤选择性将浅Ⅱ度和深Ⅱ度中小面积治疗分两组进行治疗,其中干燥疗法组13例,湿润疗法组13例,将两组病例作一对比分析。观测治疗发现,湿润疗法对小儿烧伤治疗比干燥疗优越性多,其中最主要有:患儿受限少,治疗时间短,创面愈合快,患儿疼痛轻,创面渗出少,机体内环境稳定,不受条件限制,便于广大基层医院应用等优点。
[关键词] 小儿烧伤;干燥疗法;湿润疗法
Clinic Contrast Analyze Apply Arid and Reveals Treatment Treat Children Burn 26Cases
Abstract:Commonly,our hospital treats the burn give priority to arid and reveals treatment,cure a lot of child burn sufferers,but deep II degree staring heals,and queen possess the scar to take shape for the most part,affect the sufferer's growthing ,The function is limited. So from 2000~2005 Our hospital adjust baby boy burn choice with deep II's middle and small area of degree to treat branch two seriess to treat easy II's degree,In it arid treatment series 13 instances,Moist treatment series 13 instances,Shall two seriess of cases do one comparative analysis。The discovery is treatd inthe viewing,Far more than the arid advantage cureing the moist treatment adjust baby boy's burn and treats,In it the most chiefly possess:The illness islimit a moment,Treats time brief,Staring heals quickly,Illness son's ache is light,Staring is oozed a moment,The organism internal environment is steadyd,Not accept the term limit,The strongs point such as wide primary level hospital application and so on be convenient for.
Key words:Chidren burn; Arid cureing; Moist cureing
1 资料与方法
1.1 临床资料 我们将26例患儿分两组,干疗组13例,湿疗组13例;致伤原因全部选择热液烫伤病例;烧伤深度均选择浅Ⅱ度~深Ⅱ度创面。烧伤面积最小的1%,最大的11%,见表1。
表1 26例烧伤患儿烧伤面积(略)
表2 26例烧伤患儿入院时间(略)
表3 26例烧伤患儿治疗时间分布(略)
表4 26例烧伤患儿年龄分布(略)
1.2 治疗方法
1.2.1 干疗组 本组病例多数创面选择头面部、颈部、躯体部、手足及会阴部。患儿入院常规清洗创面,创面处理后应用1% SDAG外涂,同时应用红外线烤灯治疗。在渗出期创面不能及时干燥结痂,每天外涂1% SDAG数次,一般1 d~3 d创面全部干燥结痂,直至创面在痂下愈合,痂皮自然脱落。
1.2.2 湿疗组 本组病例多数选择四肢、躯体部位创面。患儿入院常规清洗创面,创面处理后应用湿润烧伤膏,每天创面涂药4次~6次,等渗出期过后每天创面涂药1次。直至创面愈合为止。