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2013-09-01 01:01
导读:自动化论文毕业论文,花键拉刀的CAD及其制造样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 花键拉刀的




Spline Broach CAD and Manufacturing

Abstract:Spline Broach complexity of the design process, the geometric parameters, many of which need to look-up table and complex calculation to determine the parameters of a certain size,  Design Spline Broach all forms and formulas into C language are procedures, through a simple C program calls, importation Spline Broach the technical parameters can be accurately its design parameters, Finally, all the parameters of integrated print out data tables, thus simplifying the complex Spline Broach design process, and meet the design requirements. C Programming Language table of data generated by CAD generated Spline Broach the map. According Spline Broach the structural characteristics, designing Spline Broach order processing.

Keywords: Spline Broach; C Programming Language; CAD; Processing of order.


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