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2013-09-04 01:05
导读:自动化论文毕业论文,CW6163车床床头箱体工艺工装设计样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘

摘     要



The processing technology of carriage parts is a great project of technology application. It make machine fit up with axle, bearing gear, etc into together according to their interposition and coordinate their operation with the fixed turning relationship. Thus, its processing quality not only affect our assembly precision and action precision but also affect working precision, use function and use limit of machine. This article is intended to discuss this problem, clarify the principle and produce according to the craft route, and discuss the designing problems during the establishment of craft route.
Carriage parts is one important part of lather, maintaining the driven spindle, and assembling together with the spindle, wheel gear with stalk set and such parts, making them keeping normal of mutually position relation, so as to guarantee the wheel gear to match normally. The quality of processing the box has an important effect on the performance, accuracy and lifetime of the machine bed. (转载自http://zw.NSEaC.com科教作文网)
Keywords: A carriage parts; Process the craft rules distance design; Common lather

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