2015-12-03 01:15
导读:A, In 1790 B, In the early 1800’s C, In 1860 D, In the early 1900’s The answer is A. (2) Why did farmers reject Newbold’s plow? A. Their horses were frightened by it. B. They preferred lighter t
A, In 1790 B, In the early 1800’s C, In 1860 D, In the early 1900’s
The answer is A.
(2) Why did farmers reject Newbold’s plow?
A. Their horses were frightened by it. B. They preferred lighter tools.
C. It was too expensive. D. They thought it would ruin the land.
The answer is D.3.2 Find out the answer according to the transition words
Have you ever tried to find your way to an unfamiliar place without any road signs to guide you? Do you remember your relief when you discovered one signpost and then another and finally realized you were being led in the right direction? Like road signs, transitions in written materials can help you find your way to a writer’s meaning. Transitions are linking words or phrases writers use to lead the reader from one idea to another. If you get in the habit of recognizing transitions, you will see that they often guide you through a paragraph, helping you read it more easily. [8] Common Transition:
Type of Transition Example What They Tell the Reader
Time-Sequence First, later, next, finally The author is arranging ideas in the order in which they happen.
Example For example, for instance, to illustrate, such as An example will follow.
Enumeration First, second, third, last, another, next The author is making or identifying each major point. (Sometimes these may be used to suggest order of importance.)
Continuation Also, in addition, and, further, another The author is continuing with the same idea and is going to provide additional information.
Contrast On the other hand, in contrast, however The author is switching to a different, opposite or contrasting idea than previously discussed.
Comparison Like, likewise, similarly The writer will show how the previous idea is similar to what follow.
Cause-Effect Because, thus therefore, since, consequently The writer will show a connection between two or more things, how one thing caused another, or how something happened as a result of something else.
[9] Example:
(1) Cars and trucks are not designed randomly. They are designed individually for specific purposes. For instance…
(科教范文网 fw.nseac.com编辑发布) example of cars or trucks created for specific purpose(2 ) Most mail order businesses are reliable and honest. However…
information that suggests some mail order businesses are not honest and reliable(3) Taking medication can have an effect on your hormonal balance. Consequently…
what happens when your hormonal balance is affected or how you should take medication carefully(4) There are a number of things you can do to prevent a home burglary. First…
one suggestion for preventing a home burglary(5) To select the presidential candidate you will vote for, you should examine his or her philosophy of government. Next…
the next step in choosing a candidate you will vote for3.3 Find out the answer according to the structure of the article ↗supporting details
↗sub-main idea
Main idea
↖sub-main idea
↖supporting details
We can use the relation between the main idea and details to find the explicit details. [10] 共2页: 1 [2] 下一页 论文出处(作者):