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2015-12-02 01:07
导读:英语论文论文,法语对英语的影响(1)在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例: [Abstract] Both French and English belong to the Indo-European Family. Since the
[Abstract] Both French and English belong to the Indo-European Family. Since the Middle English period French has had strong influence on English. The influence of the French language upon the English language can be divided into two main stages. The first one is from 1066 to 1500. The decisive factor during this time is the Norman Conquest. A large number of French words poured into English as a part of English etymology, extending influence to grammar, spelling, pronunciation and word-formation. The second stage is from European Renaissance to the present globalization. With the increasing communication among economy, culture and technology, many foreign borrowings have been imported from different countries. French as a borrowing continues its contribution to the English vocabulary. By analyzing the fusion of the two languages, this paper tries to present the vocabulary evolution and its cultural connotation.
[Key Words] French; English; vocabulary; influence; Norman Conquest; naturalization
【摘 要】 法语和英语同属于印欧语系,中古英语以来法语对英语就有着极其深刻的影响。法语对英语的影响主要分为两个阶段:第一阶段从1066年到1500年,在这一阶段诺曼征服是其决定性的因素。大量的法语词汇进入英语,构成了英语词源的一部分。其影响涉及语法、拼写、语音以及构词等方面。第二阶段是从欧洲的文艺复兴到现在加速世界一体化的信息时代。各国之间的文化相互渗透,经济、文化、科技密切联系。许多国家的词汇进入英语,法语作为外来语继续丰富着英语的词汇。本文通过分析两种语言的融合来探讨词汇的发展演变过程及其所反映的历史文化色彩。
【关键词】 法语;英语;词汇;影响;诺曼征服;归化1. Introduction
The development of a certain language has a long history. It’s inevitable that different languages influence and penetrate each other in their formation and development. In addition, a particular language assimilates the refined portion of other languages to enrich itself. English is the typical representative of this kind of language. As a cosmopolitan language, English has been greatly influenced by various languages, especially by French. Since the Middle English period French had a strong influence on English. The influence of the French language upon the English language can be divided into two main stages. The first stage is from Norman Conquest to 1500. One of the most influential factors is the Norman Conquest. At this stage the French was used by the upper class at first, and then the two languages fused together and at last the French was acknowledged by common people. The second stage is from 1500 to the present time. On the whole the most direct and observable impact manifests itself on the word borrowing. The scale of vocabulary is wide. We can find words relating to every aspect of human society, e.g. government, law, religion, military affairs, food and so on. Moreover, the degree of vocabulary influence is considerable. Some words are assimilated; some native words are lost while other words’ meanings are expanded. Besides, French also influences English grammar, spelling, pronunciation and word-formation. And now the influence is still going on.2. Indo-European Family
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