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2016-07-09 01:08
导读:The bottle is filled with water.2.6 The function of imagining This is a function that Simplified Drawing assists on memory. Memory has many forms and methods. One of the memorizing ways is connected w

The bottle is filled with water.2.6 The function of imagining This is a function that Simplified Drawing assists on memory. Memory has many forms and methods. One of the memorizing ways is connected with the objects’ characteristic; the other is connected with the fixed model in one’s mind. These two forms of memory are all good methods. So characteristic of the objects and fixed model are the original of imagination. Simplified Drawing will be an effective link to the imagination.First of all, we can present some typical Simplified Drawing figure during introducing the words or sentence.Secondly, after the practice in the class, students have combined the characteristic of the pictures with the words or sentences. When we present the characteristics next time the imagination in your mind would be transferred into real activities. And then the words and sentence will turn out with the characteristic of the pictures.

We fit the study items, such as words and sentences into a special Simplified Drawing framework. These words or sentences will be consolidated with the confirmation of the Simplified Drawing framework in your mind.2. 7 The function of delightingSimplified Drawing is a kind of abstracted picture. It is both humorous and interesting. Appling Simplified Drawing in elementary English teaching, both teachers and students consider that it is very useful. In order to compare the effect after using with that before, the author made a questionnaire in Zhao An Nan Cheng Middle School, Class Ten, Grade One. There are 40 students in this class. The survey result as following table:Time
Numbers of students interested in English
Percentage of Attention focus

Before using S.D
22 students (55%)
24-26students (60-65%)

After using S.D
34students (85%)
36-38students (90-95%)

In the same class, taught by the same teacher, but the effect is different whether carry out the Simplified Drawing as a teaching tool. 55% (22 students) of the class is interested in English lesson without using Simplified Drawing. After using Simplified Drawing as a teaching tool, 85% (34 students) of the class is interested in English lesson. About the students’ attention focus in the class, investigation shows that: In the same class taught by the same teacher, 60%-65% (24-26 students) of the class keeps their attention to the content without using Simplified Drawing. While 90%-95% (36-38 students) of the class keeps attention to teachers’ content if Simplified Drawing was used in class. Simplified Drawing has the function of delight.2. 8 The function of aesthete appreciating.Simplified Drawing helps to appreciate the aesthete of the linguistics such as: 1. Balance

2. Series
3. Symmetry
4. Entirety
5. Symbol

It means that simplified Drawing can solve many problems in English teaching. It avoids using the mother language to explain the meaning. [1] P305 3. Application in elementary English teaching. 3.1 The role of Simplified Drawing in elementary vocabulary teachingIf teachers teach the new words, just read to students or ask them to write. It will make them feel it dull and hard to remember them. [2]P243 With the help of the Simplified Drawing, the words will be marked in students’ mind for lifetime. 3.1.1 Presenting new words “Vocabulary is best learned when the meaning of the words is illustrated, for example by picture, an action or a real object. The children should then meet and use the words in relevant contexts, in their mind.”[3] P105Vocabulary learning is generally considered to be the most difficult component of English language learning. English vocabulary is huge; it is changing all the time with new words and new meanings. “Just because vocabulary learning is difficult, researchers and teachers have experimented with a great many strategies and skills to deal with vocabulary.”[4] P138 Simplified Drawing is one of them. Simplified Drawing has the function of displaying. In English teaching Simplified drawing’s function of displaying mainly refers to it that it can show the meaning of the word directly. When we learn words or sentences Simplified Drawing replaces the Chinese explanation to explain the objects, as the followings:1. Display the real objectspencil chair2. Display the materialwater sand3. Display the figurewoman boy4. Display the occupation of the peopleteacher worker5. Display the facial expressions worry laugh6. Display the movement of the peopledance stand7. Display the animals and plantsmonkey tree8. Display the locationa building a shop9. Display the scenehill river10. Display the foodcake biscuitsPsychological knowledge tells us: the vivid visualized and concrete object is easy to arouse students’ attention. Taking the Simplified Drawing as a teaching tool is good for linking the pronounce, pattern and meaning together.First, the Simplified Drawing’ functions reflect in teaching noun. Here is an example for a common noun:Students learn the words “boy” and “girl”. In some culture, however, this procedure would produce discomfort, and a less personal way of demonstrating the meaning would be required.If there is a picture in the textbook that shows a “boy” and a “girl”, we can direct attention to the blackboard, however, we may want to draw a set of illustrative Simplified Drawing. Notice that this is not a family group. These are persons; most of them are boys and girls. (We have pictures of men and women to show that not all males are usually called boys, not all females are called girls)If the English words “man/men”, “woman/women” have not already been taught, we do not need to introduce those words now. It is possible, however, that the students will eager to learn the English words when they see the pictured “men and women”. When that happens, of course, we are delighted to supply those words; that is the perfect condition for learning vocabulary. It is also possible that some students offer the English word; many of his classmates will quickly learn it.At the beginning of the vocabulary lesson, we call students’ attention to the set of Simplified Drawing. This can be done by pointing, or by covering one of the figures with a piece of paper, or by drawing a frame around the figure.As soon as it appears that the students are concentrating their attention, teachers give them the words that English speakers use to express human being such as: man, woman, girl, and boy. We point to another boy and say again, (a boy) or (this is a boy). In the same way, each of the girl’s figure is indicated and the word is given. Below each of those figures we then write a “boy” or a “girl”. If we wish, we may also teach a man and a woman at this time. Certainly we will wish to do so if students express an interest in learning those words. Even if the English words for the pictured men and women are not taught now, however, the figure will serve a purpose: they will show that the words “girl and boy” do not usually represent adult persons.Only a very short time, perhaps three minutes should be given to this presentation of meanings and then the words. Now it will be important to give the students some experience with the use of these words for communication. It can be very simple experience, but it must require the use of the word “girl, boy” or person for giving and receiving information.The other example for abstract noun:Courage Live3.1.2 Vocabulary consolidation “All teachers, whether at the start of their careers or after some years of teaching, need to be able to try out new activities and techniques.”[5] P22 Taking Simplified Drawing the words is a new technique. “When information in text form is transferred to another (for example visual form) it can be more effectively processed and retained.”[6] P124 In this section Simplified Drawing shows its function in consolidate the words. This is because the Simplified Drawing has the function of distinguishing. Here are some examples; you can find the distinction of the words is very clear with the help of the Simplified Drawing. This is because the Simplified Drawing also has the function of contrasting.First, the Simplified Drawing helps to consolidate the synonym:One characteristic of the English language is its richness in synonyms. This is a weakness of English, because the abundance of synonyms makes the choice of words difficult. To make appropriate choice, you should be aware that synonyms differ not only in denotation, but also in stylistic and emotive coloring and usage. It is very clearly to use the Simplified Drawing to distinguish the synonyms.Here-There Take-Bring As you know “take” and “bring” both mean “拿” in Chinese. Sometimes students can’t distinguish the two words exactly. Memorizing the words by using Simplified Drawing they will find that the distinction is clear. This is because Simplified Drawing avoids using mother language to explain the words. Second, the Simplified Drawing helps to consolidate the antonyms:Antonyms are words opposite in meaning. But there are a few things you need to pay attention to: one word can have different antonyms; one of a pair of antonyms may cover the meaning of the other and vice versa.pull the boat push the boat3.2 The role of Simplified Drawing in elementary oral English teaching.Simplified Drawing teaching plays an important role in promoting interest and hinders the restrain. The oral practice can achieve its expecting aim based on Simplified Drawing. Brumu said: Successful English teaching should establish various teaching scenes. Teachers should provide students with sufficiency chance to practice the language materials they previously learnt. It is impossible to bring the students to the real teaching scenes all the time. So teachers have to establish various teaching scenes with the help of Simplified Drawing. Two kinds of scenes have the same effect. This is because “By a process called stimulus generalization, a response conditioned to one stimulus will occur in the presence of other similar stimuli.”[7] P229 3.2.1Establish teaching scenesThe best stimulation for study is interested in learning material. The Simplified Drawing reflects its characters of peculiar and interesting for us. Drawing has the function of analyzing. It is necessary to use some visual ways to reveal the profound meaning that contained in the inner of the sentence and difficult to be realized in elementary English teaching. Using the Simplified Drawing or some visual symbols will explain the profound relationship in simple way. “Older children are more able to analyze the language they hear and see, and separate it into its component parts.”[8] P105 According to the Simplified Drawing, students analyze the space, time and logical relationship.共2页: 1 [2] 下一页 论文出处(作者):
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