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2016-07-08 01:03
导读:英语论文论文,浅谈提高阅读能力的技巧(1)怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇文章是很好的参考: [Abstract] Reading is a basic ability in learning English. No matter what purpose
[Abstract] Reading is a basic ability in learning English. No matter what purposes the reader have, such as finding materials, getting information or chatting on line, the reader will have to connect with English compositions more frequently in all aspects of the daily life. A lot of specialists have studied how to improve reading skills in many aspects. This paper analyzes three aspects of it. In the course of reading, scanning and skimming are good skills that help us to get the main ideas of the compositions. Besides, vocabulary is an important factor and we can guess or infer the meaning of some new words and difficult words through the word structure and context clues. Also, culture factors are essential, for they affect our thinking judgment. So long as we master the useful skills, we will increase our reading speed and comprehension.
[Key Words] scanning; skimming; guessing word; cultural factors 【摘要】阅读是英语学习中的一个基本的技能。人们有更多的机会接触到英语文章,无论是查阅资料,获取信息,还是娱乐休闲,上网聊天,人们所见到的英语文章越来越多,而文章所涉及到的范围也越来越广。很多学者已在诸多领域对如何提高阅读技能作了研究。这篇论文着重讲了三个方面。阅读过程中,略读和寻读技巧是掌握文章大意的捷径。此外,词汇是阅读中的重要因素之一。我们可以通过词的结构和情景线索来猜新词和难词。文化因素也很重要,因为它影响着我们的思维判断。掌握这些有用的技巧,我们就能提高阅读的速度与增强理解力。
1. Introduction
With the development of society, English reading is becoming more and more popular. It is not the possession of examinations and people have more chances to read English compositions nowadays. No matter what purpose the readers have, such as finding materials, getting information or chatting on line, they will have to connect with English compositions more and more frequently in all aspects of their daily life .As one of the main international languages, English is a must important language. Considering the four aspects of English—reading, writing, speaking and listening, people do more reading. When they are reading, they will come across many problems, for example, new words, the author’s intension and so on. “Mastering reading skills will help us get more information from an article as fast as possible.”[1]R66 A lot of specialists have studied the reading skills and strategies in many aspects. Here, this paper is talking about a few reading skills that seem more important.2. Skimming and scanning skillsGood readers use several techniques to make their reading more effective. “Students need to make their brains more absorbent by using a few simple skills such as skimming and scanning.” [2]R119 So to begin with this issue, they should know about the techniques of skimming and scanning.2.1 Skimming

“Skimming is a way of converting materials quickly, with comprehension that may be complete enough for many purposes. One may not have the time, the interest, or the need to read many items carefully. On the other hand, it may be very useful to skim over something quickly to get the main idea, to build up one’s general background on a topic, or to satisfy one’s curiosity about the topic without spending a lot of time on it.” [3]R120 In this way, skimming means to look through a work quickly to get an overview of its contents. When they skim something that they haven’t yet read, they will be able to get the main idea of the content without having to concentrate on details. Then readers can tell quickly what they will find when they read the material more slowly and carefully.
上一篇:浅谈英文广告口号是英文广告的精髓(1) 下一篇:没有了