2016-07-08 01:03
导读:Un- not unhappy Non- not nonsmoker (ⅱ) pejorative prefixes Prefixes meaning examples Mis- wrongly mislead Pseudo- false pseudo-democracy(ⅲ)prefixes of degree or size Prefixes meaning examples Out-
Un- not unhappy
Non- not nonsmoker (ⅱ) pejorative prefixes
Prefixes meaning examples
Mis- wrongly mislead
Pseudo- false pseudo-democracy(ⅲ)prefixes of degree or size
Prefixes meaning examples
Out- s surpassing outgrow
Sub- below subnormal (ⅳ)prefixes of attitude
Prefixes meaning examples
Anti- against antislavery
(ⅴ)locative prefixes
Prefixes meaning examples
Trans- across transplant(ⅵ)prefixes of time and order
Prefixes meaning examples
Pre- before prewar
Post- after postwar 3.1.2 Suffix
Suffix usually changes the word from one part of speech to another. It is convenient to classify them according to the word-class of the word they form. Here is a partial list of common suffixes.
(ⅰ)noun suffixes
suffixes meaning examples
-er(or) a person driver/actor
-ess female hostess
(ⅱ)verb suffixes
suffixes meaning examples
-ify turn into diversify
-ize come popularize
(ⅲ)adjective suffixes
suffixes meaning examples
-ful full of pitiful
-less without, out meaninglessMany suffixes can be added to words as endings, though they are probably not as varied as the prefixes. Many suffixes have the same or similar meanings. When added to roots they build adjectives, nouns and adverbs. Readers have probably already realized that adding the suffix “ist” or “er” or “or” or “ar” or “tor” means “a person or thing that does or makes a practice.” Therefore you know that a “dentist” is one who works on teeth, an “actor” is one who acts roles or parts, a “conductor” is one who conducts and a “lecturer” is someone who lectures.
“It is not always easy to figure out the exact meanings for words from prefixes, suffixes and roots. But knowing these word parts can help you acquire at least some idea of the meanings of many words without having to look them up in a dictionary.” [7]R26 If they are familiar with the word analyses and master the meaning and usage of the elements, they can guess the meaning of the words quickly and correctly. Besides, the skill of guessing compound words is also very useful.3.2Compound words Sometimes, readers will come across some words or groups of words which are expected to “go together” on account of their logical connections, such as: grass-green, school-student, hit-ball, swim-pool, etc. These compound words also can be guessed by the basic knowledge of their vocabulary.3.3 Guessing the meaning of the unknown words from context clues.“Determining the meaning of unknown words from context is important for a reader.” [8]R112 Context clues are words or sentences that come either before or after an unfamiliar word in a reading passage. They are hints that readers can use to determine the meaning of an unknown word. They cannot learn all the meanings of all the words they will ever need to know to improve their reading. But when they develop skills at using context clues, they will be able to figure out meanings for many words as they read. Using context clues is also another way for readers to add to their vocabulary and become more effective readers.