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2017-01-25 01:02
导读:To begin with, we should firstly clarify some questions as in: What is classroom dynamics? Why do we need to study it? What is the importance of it? Then we can have a decent reason to move on and tal

To begin with, we should firstly clarify some questions as in: What is classroom dynamics? Why do we need to study it? What is the importance of it? Then we can have a decent reason to move on and talk about how to create and promote it. For dynamics, definitions are varied. Longman Dictionary of American says: The forces that work in any system or matter. The Oxford Encyclopedic English Dictionary tells us: The motive forces, physical or moral, affecting behavior and change in any sphere. So we may say, in the classroom setting, dynamics is a kind of force that works in the system of language teaching and learning. It influences classroom activities and advances in the process of language learning and teaching. In another words, it is the cohesion of a class, a positive atmosphere conducive to learning and teaching. Especially for learners, as Jill Hadfield says:“A positive group atmosphere can have a beneficial effect on the morale motivation and self-image of its members, and thus significantly affect their learning, by developing in them a positive attitude to the language being learned, to the learning process, and to themselves as learners.” [2] 2. The problems in junior English classroom
2.1 Situations and disadvantages of the traditional English classroom
In the traditional junior English classroom, the teacher is regarded as an authority who dominates the whole class. They are supposed to be knowledgeable and respectable. In general, being the “older” and “wiser” people in class, they are given the power to award or punish students. In such a tradition, it is clear that they are the controllers in the classroom.
The teacher sits or stands behind a desk which symbolizes his authority, spends a large proportion of his time lecturing, tries to put everything into students’ heads and pays scant notice of the feelings and reactions of students. There is little cooperation between teachers and students and the productive skills such as speaking and writing are almost ignored. (科教论文网 lw.nSeAc.com编辑发布)
On the other hand, students are considered as “slaves of knowledge” or “receiving machines”. They are expected to learn structural knowledge and assessment which are often based on the information they derive from their rote skills. The students do not have to prepare much for the class. They sit in straight rows facing the teacher and the blackboard. They sit passively listening and busily taking notes. Needless to say, they have no opportunity to ask questions and participate in learning activities of their own accord. Students are just “ignorant audiences” waiting to be filled up with knowledge by the teacher. All the activities in the classroom are teacher-centered. “This teaching style is sometimes characterized as ‘jug and mug’– The knowledge being poured from one receptacle into another empty one.”[3]
Besides, in China, a good student will timely complete all the assignments given by the teacher, do whatever he is told to do by the teacher and he will actually have a very similar opinion or conclusion to the teacher. What is more, a student with more independent thinking or a questioning spirit is less likely to win the favor of the teacher. As a consequence, students’ motivation of learning will soon disappear even though they are junior students who are curious and eager to do well in everything. The whole class is quite dull and boring.2.2 New requirements in a modern English classroom
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