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2017-01-25 01:02
导读:As we know, normally the teachers are critical of students’ mistakes, being afraid of their inaccurate English. In fact, if students are over criticized, particularly in front of their peers, they w

As we know, normally the teachers are critical of students’ mistakes, being afraid of their inaccurate English. In fact, if students are over criticized, particularly in front of their peers, they will feel more embarrassed and humiliated, and their self-image might be damaged later, they might keep silent in the classroom, and give up trying; even if the task is theoretically within their intellectual ability, because they don’t like to appear foolish among other classmates. As a consequence, their emotional state is not favorable and they will have more anxiety. Negative attitudes toward the subject might also be formed. All these will lead to internal barriers against learning. So the teachers have to remove these detrimental obstacles to success and encourage students to feel free to express their opinions and feelings in their own way and often encourage them when they make progress. The teachers themselves should be more endurable about mistakes and correct them only if it is absolutely-necessary. Even in this case, the teachers shouldn’t do in a supportive way, and try to do it with individuals, rather than in public, in order to avoid students’ bad feelings associated with losing face. If they were given more time and more practice, mistakes will disappear sooner or later.
The famous American writer Mark Twain ever said, “A commendatory sentence can make people be in a good mood for two months”. Teachers are the most important parts in the students’ hearts. Every student hopes to get the teachers’ positive evaluation. A good teacher must give more praise and less criticism to his students. And classroom presentations and activities should be organized in such a way that each student might get some chance to succeed in carrying out a learning task. An appropriate degree of task complexity should be designed so that the high level students do not get bored and the low level students do not feel hopeless. Most important of all, teachers should treat all students without prejudice, show equal concern with their work and value that they have contributed to classroom activities, no matter what their English levels are. In this way, students will feel happy about their successful self-images and valued as a member of the whole class. All the above will guarantee that students won’t develop a fear of failure motivation and learn English in a more relaxed, unstrained way. Gradually they will become more interested in the subject and acquire favorite attitudes towards learning English.共2页: 1 [2] 下一页 论文出处(作者):

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