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2017-01-25 01:02
导读:4. The factors involved in affecting the junior English classroom dynamics 4.1 Teachers’ factors “The act of teaching is essentially a constant processing of options. At every point in each lesson

4. The factors involved in affecting the junior English classroom dynamics
4.1 Teachers’ factors
“The act of teaching is essentially a constant processing of options. At every point in each lesson a teacher has a number of options available; he or she can decide to do something, or to do something else, or not to do anything at all,”[8] so the teacher plays a very important role in English teaching and learning in junior classroom. The teacher is one of the significant factors in creating a group dynamic atmosphere in language learning. We often say if the teacher wants to give the students a glass of water, he must have a bucket of water. The teacher should not only have rich knowledge about the living world, but also have high teaching quality. And he should improve his knowledge of all fields in teaching to make his work successful. As an English teacher, firstly he must speak English fluently and try to get students to feel the beauty of English. Because the teachers teach English lesson mostly in Chinese, it is unfavorable for English study. Moreover the English-learners could be immersed in study environment which is rich and colorful, intensifying and continuous, and be able to understand, even accept, the content of language, it might achieve the most efficient result, so the teachers should try to do their best to create a kind of language atmosphere of English-speaking and make students think in English during the whole class.
The teacher should also love his students and love his teaching work. The teacher must be as kind and friendly as possible to them. The teacher should avoid differential treatment base on unjustified prejudices, show interest in and concern for students and have high but attainable expectations for students’ success. Try to make them learn English in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
The teacher’s body language and personality are also important when he teaches a new word, a phrase or a sentence, it is very important to use the body language and facial expression. It can improve students’ interest in English greatly. He should not only let the learners grasp the knowledge of the textbook, but also adopt some other steps to strengthen his teaching. In order to improve the atmosphere in the class, the teacher should be well-prepared. The teacher will have to play different roles at different time. He will have to play the role of controller, organizer, promoter, participant, resource, tutor and investigator according to the teaching situation. It’s a challenge for all the teachers but it’s worth doing.

(转载自中国科教评价网www.nseac.com )

In today’s language teaching, teacher also should be a good friend helping students learn English, helping them solve the problems patiently, alleviating their language anxiety and students will feel more comfortable in learning. The teacher who has a good sense of humor and a good personality will create a vivid environment for students to study.4.2 Students’ factors
In the language teaching and learning, students are the major components. Only if students can be involved really and actively in the classroom, the classroom atmosphere can be dynamic, so the teacher must activate students to learn English and improve students’ interest about English.4.2.1 Helping the students raise their self-esteem
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