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2017-02-05 01:04
导读:(ⅰ) Principle 1 Culture acquisition should not be restricted to the learning of formal or ‘high’ culture, but it should mainly include the learning of everyday or ‘popular’ culture, which is

(ⅰ) Principle 1
Culture acquisition should not be restricted to the learning of formal or ‘high’ culture, but it should mainly include the learning of everyday or ‘popular’ culture, which is more connected to our social environments. In dealing with these aspects the instructor should not be restricted to just presenting factors. Culture learning should provide learners with chances to research the other cultures by themselves, so that they will obtain tools which will be useful in coming across a new culture, so that the learning of some knowledge will not ended in stereotypical perspective in learners.
(ⅱ) Principle 2
Culture acquisition should be highly concerned with the aspects of verbal and nonverbal communication such as common words and phrases, gestures and behaviors.
In dealing with these aspects of culture, the instruction should not be restricted to just presenting the norm, but should provide learners with chance to research the other cultures by themselves. The instruction should also provide learners with chance to know the backgrounds or social rules which underline the words, phrases, gestures, and behaviors, so that the learning of them will give the learners with some knowledge, perspectives and skills which enable them to cope with a new situation.
(ⅲ) Principle 3
Culture teaching should include the learning or activities which enable students to change their own stereotypes, and also enable them to engage in an actual intercultural communication in terms of a larger identify which she or he and the other person share, so that the communication will be more interpersonal.
(ⅳ) Principle 4
Culture acquisition should not be limited to the treatment of national level culture, so that learner will acquire perspective diversity towards others.
(ⅴ) Principle 5
Culture learning should not be equated with the learning of the culture of English speaking countries and peoples, nor the adaptation of it. It should deal with varieties of countries and peoples, so that learners will appreciate the value of culture diversity.

(科教论文网 lw.nSeAc.com编辑发布)

(ⅵ) Principle 6
Culture learning should place high priority on the learning of the culture of learners’ own country and people
Place a correct attitude to the native culture and target culture. We should learn culture. But this does not mean to change our native culture.
(vii) Principle 7
Make it interesting. Of course, the culture is interesting to teachers, so they may presume that it will be interesting for their students.
(viii) Principle 8
Don’t try to cover everything. Culture is enormous. It consists of all the institutions, all the behaviors, in fact all the man-made aspects of a very large group of non-homogeneous people. All what we can do is provide some pathways to enter into learning more about the culture.
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