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2017-02-14 01:02
导读:Prediction refers to thinking in advance about what to be read. It is a major factor in reading. An efficient reader usually predicts what he or she is going to read. Why is prediction so important? P

Prediction refers to thinking in advance about what to be read. It is a major factor in reading. An efficient reader usually predicts what he or she is going to read. Why is prediction so important? Predicting is very crucial in the reading process in two aspects:
Firstly, by predicting the topic, reader’s existing schemata, which is referred to as content schemata, can be activated and thereby facilitate reading comprehension in the reading phase. As Nuttall says: “Prediction is important because it activates schemata: that is, it calls into mind any experiences and associated knowledge that we already have about the topic of the test.”[5]
Secondly, Learners' predicting before reading not only serves as a purpose for reading the text, but also draws their attention in the reading process. It has been assumed in many theories that attention and purpose are absolutely bound up with reading, determine whether it happens at all, and what form it takes if it does. The incidental learning is clearly both possible and effective when the demands of a task focus attention on what is to be learned.[6]
Therefore, before reading a text, it's important for you to predict, what you expect to see in the text. Then you become more involved in reading in order to confirm your expectations about the information that you think the text will contain. You prepare yourself or the reading task and familiarize yourself with the topic.
Human beings can cope with most situations better if they know what to expect. Predicting helps us to know what to expect in the texts we read, and it also helps us to remember words relevant to the topic we will meet. The burden of understanding is therefore lessened, and we can read more effectively.共2页: 1 [2] 下一页 论文出处(作者):
上一篇:高中英语教师在任务型教学活动中的角色(1) 下一篇:没有了