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Motivation and Ways to Motivate Students(1)

2017-08-01 01:03
导读:英语论文论文,Motivation and Ways to Motivate Students(1)论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: AbstractWith the requirement of economic development, English has become more
With the requirement of economic development, English has become more and more important that people begin to learn English with fully enthusiasm even from younger age. Learning a foreign language is not a simple and easy job but sometimes it is boring and dull. Motivation is critical in English learning, thus, how to effectively motivate students in English learning is an important problem. This paper expounds this importance and ways to motivate students. First, the author shows the definition of motivation and then explains intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and their relations, following with some personal factors that influence motivation. At last, according to the rationale, the author suggests several effective ways to motivate students in English learning.Key words: motivation and English learning

Thesis statements
Motivation is critical in language learning according to psychology and ways to motivate students are more important to English learning.
Among these factors that influence English learning, motivation makes up 33 per cent, thus, motivation is very important to English learning.
Ⅰ. Theoretical rationale
1. Definition of motivation
A) In the term of psychology
B) In language learning
2. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
A) Definition of intrinsic motivation
B) Definition of extrinsic motivation
C) Relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
3. Personal factors in motivation
A) Motivation and arousal
B) Motivation and needs
C) Motivation and beliefs
D) Motivation and goals
Ⅱ. Ways to motivate students in English learning
1. Using various and interesting activities
2. Involving new and effective techniques
3. High expectation and using rewards appropriately
4. Create a relaxed and positive learning climate
5. Cooperative activities
6. Providing opportunities for students to experience success

Motivation and Ways to Motivate Students in English LearningIntroduction (科教作文网http://zw.ΝsΕac.cOM编辑)
In recent years in China, learning English has been a very prevalent tendency and it has become more popular and urgent as China succeeded in bidding to hold the 2008 Olympic Games and entering into the World Trade Organization. Mastery of a foreign language, especially English is viewed as a passport to one’s future success, thus, more and more people swarm into the tide of English learning. In addition, the English learners have become younger and younger that English courses are taught in Grade Three or Grade One of primary schools and even in kindergartens. Furthermore, most of parents send the children to some after-school English classes on the weekends in the hope of promoting the children’s English learning, yet some of the teachers and parents are in frustration of recognition of the children’s low attitude and grades in English learning. Therefore, as teachers should know the psychological theory and the process of English learning in order to encourage and enhance the English learning of students.
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