2014-10-23 01:57
导读:药学论文毕业论文,心脏瓣膜置换术后早期死亡病例分析论在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例:作者:陈林,肖颖彬,王学锋,钟前进,陈柏成,陈劲进 【关键词】 心脏瓣
【关键词】 心脏瓣膜假体置入
Analysis of early death after cardiac valve replacement surgery
【Abstract】 AIM: To define the risk factors for early death after cardiac valve replacement surgery in 1092 patients. METHODS: Clinical data of patients after cardiac valve replacement were analyzed retrospectively, including preoperative heart function, operative methods, cardiopulmonary bypass and aorta crossclamp time, death causes, blood CK and CKMB. RESULTS: There were 21 cases (1.93%, 21/1092) of early death, of whom 9 cases (2.03%, 9/444) had cardiac valve replacement with onpump on arrestedheart by cold blood cardiopledia, and 12 cases (1.85%, 12/648) had cardiac valve replacement with onpump on beatingheart. There was no significant difference between the 2 groups (P