2015-01-12 01:09
【关键词】 纤维环细胞;硅橡胶膜;逆转录
Phenotypic characteristics of rat annulus fibrosus cells cultured on flexible silicone membranes
【Abstract】 AIM: To compare the phenotypic characteristics of rat annulus fibrosus (AF) cells cultured on flexible silicone membranes with the same cells cultured in plastic plates. METHODS: The morphology of AF cells cultured in different substrates was observed under an inverted phasecontrast microscope and a transmission electron microscope. Proteoglycan was stained with toluidine blue for observing its expression. The contents of collagen typeⅠ, Ⅱand aggrecan mRNA were determined by RTPCR. The expression of integrin β1 was monitored by flow cytometry. Cell adhesion to silicone membranes was also measured. RESULTS: The AF cells cultured in different substrates were morphologically undistinguishable. Toluidine blue staining showed that there was also no difference between AF cells cultured on flexible silicone membranes and in plastic plates. The cells growing in different substrates expressed the same levels of collagen typeⅠ, Ⅱ and aggrecan mRNA and integrin β1. AF cells grew well on silicone membranes. CONCLUSION: AF cells cultured on flexible silicone membranes maintain the stability of phenotype and may be appropriate for further studying the metabolic responses to mechanical stimuli at the cellular level.
【Keywords】 annulus fibrosus cell; silicone membrane; reverse transcriptasepolymerase chain reaction; flow cytometry
【摘要】 目的:比较种植于硅橡胶膜或塑料培养板的大鼠纤维环细胞的表型特征. 方法:利用倒置相差显微镜及透射电镜观察种植于不同基质的大鼠纤维环细胞形态的变化;利用甲苯胺蓝染色观检测蛋白多糖的表达情况;通过RTPCR法检测Ⅰ,Ⅱ型胶原及聚集蛋白聚糖mRNA的表达情况;采用流式细胞术观察细胞表面整合素β1的表达情况;同时检测了纤维环细胞在硅橡胶膜上的黏附情况. 结果:种植于不同基质的纤维环细胞形态学观察无明显差别;在两种基质上的纤维环细胞甲苯胺蓝染色无差异;Ⅰ,Ⅱ型胶原及聚集蛋白聚糖mRNA及细胞膜整合素β1的表达亦无明显差异;纤维环细胞可以黏附于硅橡胶膜上生长. 结论:种植于硅橡胶膜上的纤维环细胞表型特征无改变,为进一步研究
【关键词】 纤维环细胞;硅橡胶膜;逆转录聚合酶链式反应;流式细胞术
下腰痛是一个重要的公共卫生问题,虽然引起下腰痛的原因很多,但是椎间盘退变仍是其主要因素[1-2]. 目前的观点认为,椎间盘退变是一个由生物
化学和生物力学因素相互作用的复杂的病理过程. 由于椎间盘周围的肌肉、韧带以及椎间盘内的静水压等因素,椎间盘始终处于负荷状态,尤其是椎间盘纤维环细胞总是不断地受到不同形式的拉伸应力. 为了从细胞水平
研究生物力学因素对细胞的影响,很多研究者设计出不同的实验装置,对体外培养细胞施加不同形式的拉伸应力[3-4]. 我们也自行设计一套对单层生长细胞进行周期性张应变的实验装置,为对细胞施加张应力,首先需要将纤维环细胞培养于弹性硅橡胶膜上,因此有必要对培养于新的基质上的细胞表型稳定性进行确认. 细胞生长基质可影响细胞外基质成分的表达,本实验我们比较了培养于硅橡胶膜和细胞培养板上的纤维环细胞的细胞外基质成分的表达情况.
1.1材料SD大鼠(1月龄)由本院实验动物中心提供. DMEM培养基和Ⅱ型胶原酶为Gibco公司产品,胎牛血清为PAA公司产品,纤维连接素为Roche公司产品,Hepes为Amresco公司产品,TRIzol试剂为Invitrogen公司产品,一步法RTPCR试剂盒为Qiagen公司产品,FITC标记抗整合素β1单抗为BD公司产品. 硅橡胶膜为Dow Corning公司产品,细胞培养板为Corn