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2015-06-06 01:19
导读:药学论文毕业论文,聚集性感染家族内乙型肝炎病毒标志物论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料:作者:何英利,赵英仁,高珩,张树林,杨瑗,陈芸茹,刘锦峰 【关键词

【关键词】 ,肝炎病毒,乙型;家族聚集性;疾病易感性
  【Abstract】 AIM: To determine the spread of HBV virological profile of Chinese clustering infected families with threegeneration genetic information. METHODS: All the patients who referred to our department were questioned for HBV family history from 2002 to 2005. For those families with threegeneration or more genetic information, their blood were drawn after signed informconsents were obtained and tested for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), antibody to HBsAg (antiHBs), hepatitis Be antigen (HBeAg), antibody to HBe(antiHBe) and antibody to hepatitis B core antigen (antiHBc) using commercially available enzymelinked immunosorbent assay(ELISA). HBV genome copies in serum were tested by realtime quantitive PCR. The first member of a family identified as a virus carrier was considered an index case. All study subjects were asked to fill out a questionnaire designed by Epiinfo software on general data, history, results of serologic analysis, and kinship to the index case. All the data of each subject was input into computer for statistic analysis. RESULTS: A total of 237 serum samples of 27 familes were tested. Out of 237 index cases and household contact subjects, 45.6%, 5.9%, 26.7%, 11.8%, 62.9%, 28.3% subjects were identified HBsAg, antiHBs, HBeAg, antiHBe, antiHBc, HBV DNA positive respectively. The patients with positive HBV DNA, HBeAg or HBsAg were predominantly male and the mumber peaked at the age of 18 and 45 years old. CONCLUSION: The seroprevalence of HBV markers in clustering infected family is different from that in general population; the infected individuals have a natural course of chronic HBV infection and mostly are infected as they are infants, which is probably associated with host genetic susceptibility to HBV.

  【Keywords】 hepatitis B virus; family clustering; disease susceptibility
  【摘要】目的: 研究HBV 血清标志物及HBV DNA在聚集性感染家族内的流行模式. 方法: 以2002/2005在我院感染科就诊的来自偏远山区的HBsAg阳性者为先证者,询问其家族史,筛选具有3代或以上遗传信息的家系. 签署知情同意书后,对这家系中所有的人进行流行病学调查,收集血样. 用ELISA检测HBsAg,抗HBs,HBeAg,抗HBe,抗HBc;用RealTime PCR 定量检测HBV DNA. 结果: 共收集27个家系237人;HBsAg,抗HBs,HBeAg,抗HBe,抗HBc,HBV DNA的总体阳性率分别为45.6%,5.9%,26.7%,11.8%,62.9%,28.3%;在HBV聚集性感染家族中,男性的HBsAg,HBeAg,HBV DNA的阳性率显著高于女性;HBsAg及HBV DNA相对年龄成双峰分布,主要集中在18岁和45岁. 结论: 在聚集性感染家族中,HBV的流行病学资料有其自身特点;家族聚集性感染者符合慢性HBV感染的自然病程,多为婴幼儿期感染所致,可能与宿主的遗传易感性有关.

  【关键词】 肝炎病毒,乙型;家族聚集性;疾病易感性
  我国是HBV高发区. 早期的研究发现HBV感染呈家族聚集

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